The 17 Day Diet: Chapter 3 – Cycle 1: Accelerate


     Unlike most diets, the author of the 17 Day Diet book, believes that this diet will help you lose weight rapdly without compromising on the nutritional quality of your meals, your health and vitality. He promises that when you’re on this diet, you’ll be full, energetic and motivated. He also explains that the 17 day diet is high in fibers for several reasons. Curtails food intake by stimulating release of appetite suppressing hormones. As a result you feel full. They take longer to chew and you therefore burn more calories chewing.

     The first cycle is called ACCELERATE because its purpose is to trigger rapid weight loss in a healthy manner by mobilizing fat stores and flushing water and toxins from your system. If you reach your goal after first 17 days, you can go straight to cycle 4. If not, progress to cycle 2. After you achieve your target weight. you can revisit this cycle if your weight goes out of control, . 

This cycle is expected to do the following:

  1. Reduce carbohydrate intake slightly so that your body goes into fat burning mode
  2. Correct improper digestion
  3. Provide rapid weight at the start so that you have the incentive to keep going.
  4. Get out sugar, sweets, refined carbohydrates and other substances that cause spikes and dips in blood sugar. Once you’ve broken the cycle, your body will not crave them anymore.


Some of the guidelines for this cycle include

  1. Eat till you’re full. Use your hunger/fullness meter
  2. Remove skin from your chicken before eating
  3. You can eat egg whites without restriction. Not more than 4 egg yolks a week
  4. Do not eat fruit after 2 pm
  5. Buy a variety of vegetables
  6. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day
  7. Wake-up drink: squeeze a half- lemon in a  glass of water
  8. Exercise at least 17 minutes a day. If possible, get in 2 quickies. Exercise boosts your metabolism for a few hours afterwards.
  9. Drink green tea with every meal.


Food choices for this cycle include the following:

I. Lean proteins

Fish:Tilapia, Catfish, Tuna, Mackerel, Salmon, Flounder, etc

Poultry: Chicken breast, Ground turkey

*Cooked chicken is a source of glutathione which aids in removal of fat-soluble toxins*

II Low sugar fruits: no more than 2 servings a day of apples, berries (all types), oranges, red grapes, peaches, plums, pears, prunes

III Probiotic foods: 2 servings daily: Sugar free plain low-fat yoghurt, Kefir

IV Friendly fats: Olive oil

V Condiments

VI Cleansing vegetables: Cabbage, Spinach, Okra, Tomatoes, Onions, Green beans, Greens, Broccoli, lettuce, Bell peppers (green, red, yellow), cucumbers, mushrooms, egg plant.


Other topics covered in the chapter include:

  • How to maximize the health power of fruits and vegetables
  • A typical day on 17th diet
  • 17 sample daily menus
  • Accelerate cycle worksheet to help you plan your meals
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About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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