Feature Friday: Meet Jenny!

 Hi everyone. I just want to introduce the first winner of the Healthy hair bootcamp 2012 . I picked the winners based on their dedication and progress, not necessarily on their hair lengths. I must say that I have no personal relationship with any of them and I have never personally met any of the winners.

Anyways, this is a feature post of winner number 1, Jenny:

  1. What is your hair type? 4a or 4b

My hair is more of 4b in front and 4a at the back.

  1.  How often do you touch up/relax?

I usually stretch my relaxers to every 12-16wks.

  1.  Please share your regimen. What do you do daily, nightly and weekly, to care for your hair? 

I’d say my regimen is pretty simple and I don’t use lots of products. I moisturize and seal in sections every morning, using the LOC method, where I use a liquid moisturizer first, then seal before using a creamy moisturizer. For the liquid, I use water (70-80%) and glycerin (20-30%), while for the creamy moisturizer, I use HBCO cream (Hollywood Beauty Olive Cream).

About 3x/wk at night, I just put on a plastic cap and then a scarf (GHE) before going to bed. Sometimes, I apply oil sometimes, I don’t. Other nights, I just wear my scarf to sleep.

Then, every weekend, I pre-poo over night with oils before shampooing, then deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner, oil and honey. I also do black tea rinses most times. I do moderate protein treatments every 3weeks. That is pretty much it.

I finger comb mostly, as everyday combing increases breakage. Just comb to detangle and remove shed hair when I’m about to wash my hair.

When I’m home during the day, I’m always on my scarf too (not just at nights).

I also massage my scalp (with jbco) 3-4x/week. 

  1. How often do you wear your hair out vs. protective styling (buns, etc.)?    

Well, since I started my hair journey, I always wear my hair in a bun. Throughout the boot camp period, I wore my hair out just once (and I wore a silk shirt then). Sometimes, it looks boring though. I v fixed in a weave and put my hair in braids about 2-3x, and those times, I still try to keep my hair moisturized as best as I can.

  1. Do you use direct heat? If so, how often?

I never use direct heat on my hair! 

  1. Tell us more about your air drying process. 

After rinsing out my hair, I dry with a T-shirt (just place on the shirt and press firmly), then, apply my leave- in in sections while combing each section with a large tooth comb. I then put my hair in a ponytail, put on my scarf and wait till my hair s about 80% dry before moisturizing and sealing. That’s it.

  1. How do you maintain moisture levels and manage breakage? Using the LOC method has really helped me in retaining moisture as opposed to just moisturizing and sealing. Of course, I won’t leave out deep conditioning with my mix. I sometimes co-wash midweek which really helps too.
  2.  You’ve made some progress with your hair journey. What do you attribute most to your success?  

I’d say dedication and commitment. If you pet your hair and give it all the time it needs, you’ll definitely see rewards. Protective styling is also important.

  1. And your favourite product? 

My favourite product is my Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner! It can serve me as both a protein conditioner and a moisturizing one. Oil and honey increase its moisturizing benefits.

  1. What’s your signature style? 

BUNS. I v really bunned the crap outta my hair. Could be boring, but I guess I got my results with it.

  1. What is the best tip you have learned to protect your ends? Any links you would like to share?

Apart from keeping them moisturized, your ends should not be handled roughly, try to put on a satin/silk scarf at night, even when resting at home during the day, and of course, keeping ‘me off your shoulders as much as possible.

  1.  Have you had any setbacks/trouble along the way?

My setbacks included going to a salon. They can be quite rough when handling/combing leading to loss of quite an amount of hair. I’m still yet to find a hairdresser that can handle hair properly. Some wash days, I also lose quite an amount of hair.

  1.  How did you overcome your setbacks?

Now, I only go to the salon just when I want to get my hair relaxed. I also instruct them on what I want but sometimes, the message doesn’t just get through! I do every other thing myself at home. When I lose hairs during wash days, I try to figure out what I might have done differently that might have contributed to it. Mind you, I’m not successful with that every time. I’m still in the process of learning my hair I guess. 

  1. How are you able to maintain such thickness overall? I’d say the thickness came with minimal handling of the hair and the use of jbco also helped. Stretching my relaxers has also helped too.


  1. Looking back at your journey so far, is there anything you would do differently? or wish you would have done sooner?

Wish I learnt to moisturize the way I do now earlier. I also wish I’d started out the journey earlier. I actually enjoy people admiring my hair. Healthy hair is something very few people have around here. 

  1.  Someone is reading this right now who’s about to start her hair journey. What advice would you give her?

Well, don’t expect your hair to grow overnight. It’ll take patience, consistency and dedication. You can also keep pics to track your progress. I initially thought I wasn’t making any progress till I was shown my before and after pics of the boot camp, and I saw the progress I made. This gave me some reassurance that I wasn’t wasting my time cos’ at some point before the boot camp, I wanted to give up the whole thing, but now, of course I’m going to continue!. You should do as much research as you can, learning from others while trying to learn about and listen to your own hair.

  1. You’re stuck on a desert island and you can only have 3 hair related items with you. What would they be and why?

In no particular order, I’ll pick a conditioner (can also be used as a live-in, moisturizer etc.) olive oil (this is the oil I v found out my hair prefers. It’ll slow down the rate at which my hair gets dry in the hot desert) and water (wouldn’t t you want to have this in the desert both for drinking and keeping hair moisturized?)! 

  1.  Do you do anything additionally to support your hair? (Nutrition, vitamins, exercise)?

My diet hasn’t really changed. I often take fruits and vegetables. I just added taking some vitamins, which truth be told, I don t really keep up with. My work kind of involves exercising so; I don’t do much of that, just some aerobics at home when I’m in the mood, which is not regularly. I’m also trying to up my water intake per day.

  1.  Is there anything else would you like to share that I haven’t asked you about?

That’s basically much it. Before I discovered and started learning about proper hair care, I had always wanted very long hair and had always been into taking care of my hair even before I started my hair journey, just that I was going about it the wrong way. But, even then, I still tried to wash my hair myself, maybe once every 3-4wks and condition (with a protein conditioner every time! lols), avoided the dryer as much as possible, no protective styling though. Now I’m on this hair journey, I’ve taken it as a hobby; I’m always researching and learning something new to practice. I’m happy I’ m seeing results. This also motivates me better. 

Just in case you didn’t know,  the prize for the Healthy hair bootcamp was The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care Book: this is a pic of Jenny with her book!

Thanks to Jenny for answering all our questions!  Don’t forget to share this post with your friends. If anyone is interested in another bootcamp, holla me. If I get up to 10 serious requests, then we’ll do another challenge later in the year!

Dr Fomsky

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About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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6 Comments to Feature Friday: Meet Jenny!

  1. Jenny says:

    Lolssss!!!! I can’ t stop laughing here! Thanks Dr Fomsky for giving me this opportunity. Just keep up with the good works and encouragement. It s really helped me a lot…

  2. Natural Girl says:

    Wow, her length retention is commendable. Congrats babes

  3. Ifai says:

    Jenny, I love your retention. I have taken note of what you did to achieve and maintain the length and I’ll put them into practice. Congratulations. Indeed, Dr. Fomsky has been a great encouragement. Doc, thanks for the gift once again. I’m thoroughly enjoying my book.

  4. Maya says:

    what can i use to make my hair longer

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