Settling into my new home

Hi lovely people. I’ve missed you all. Like seriously. I’m sorry for not responding to all your comments and emails: you won’t believe that it took two weeks for my home internet and phone to be activated! It was so terrible cos I was using my husband’s phone to browse and that can be so annoying till I eventually learnt that we could also use it as a router.

Anyways, what’s been up with me?

  1. I started another weight loss regimen….AGAIN….not as crazy as 17 day diet…just eating moderately and working out twice a day for 30 minutes at a time.
  2. Going shopping for hair and skin products…I have found a new deep conditioner that I loooove….and it’s also good on my daughters’ natural hair.
  3. I was having dry elbows…AGAIN…so I used an elbow cream on my elbows and neck (I’ve been having dry irritated skin around my neck too)…I didn’t realize that I was supposed to rinse it off after 15 minutes…I was on my way out of the house and I just didn’t have the time to do that…When I came back, I completely forgot. The next day, the skin at the back of my neck was burnt…my elbows not too bad…I was horrified…To heal this bunt skin, I’ve been applying Aloe Vera gel and it’s healing pretty nicely!
  4. I got my eyebrows waxed…a bit painful but nice results…a little burn in my eyelids though.My eyebrows
  5. I cut my hair to neck length! Yes I did…If you want to know why, you can read my post on my other blog by clicking HERE. SAMSUNG CSC

Much love,

Sizzling Mommy Signature




About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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2 Comments to Settling into my new home

  1. dcool says:

    Hello Fumsky- did i tell you i once had that same issue with my elbow- you won’t believe all the dry skin i had to peel off. Anyway i got it sorted out when i realized i have been practicing some thing wrong all this years. Guess what? I had always skipped my elbow when applying cream everyday. Now I started a new practice- When i rub cream I start from my elbow-Period!
    Elbow is completely healed with new skin all grown out. I hope this helps. Cheers

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