Foods rich in biotin

In an old post, I have talked about the benefits of biotin for the hair. You can read that HERE.  However, as someone who is acne-prone, I try as much as possible to avoid supplements containing biotin. One of the most common side-effects of biotin supplements is acne. Instead, I prefer to get my biotin from whole foods.

I have compiled a non-exhaustive list of foods that contain biotin:

  1. Mushrooms
  2. Tuna
  3. Turkey
  4. Avocados
  5. Salmon
  6. Liver
  7. Peanut butter
  8. Cheese
  9. Cauliflower
  10. Wholewheat bread
  11. Berries (blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries)
  12. Sardines
  13. Bananas
  14. Pork
  15. Beef
  16. Soybeans
  17. Almonds
  18. Walnuts
  19. Carrots
  20. Cooked eggs



Raw egg whites contain a protein known as avidin, which binds with biotin in your intestines and prevents your body from using it. Therefore, if you eat two or more raw egg whites a day for several months, it is possible that you will develop a biotin deficiency. While this condition is rare, symptoms of a biotin deficiency include hair loss, scaly skin and insomnia. Cook your egg whites thoroughly to help prevent a deficiency, and be sure to meet the RDA of biotin daily.

Source: Livestrong

Yesterday, I talked about foods that contain MSM. You can read that HERE. MSM is believed to prolong the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle. Read more about the hair growth cycle HERE.

About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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  1. […] I will list out foods containing biotin. Take care […]

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