Weight loss


Unboxing of Shaun T’s FOCUS T25 Base Kit – DVD Workout

Yesterday, I mentioned that I had just received my order of the T25 workout program and some of my instagram followers asked me if I could do an unboxing video. First thing this morning, I went right to it. P/S: While replaying this video, I noticed a voice lag. Please leave a comment if you experience this and I will upload it again. Someone also asked me how she could place an order. I bought this DVD box from Amazon and it was delivered to me in France. I am in France atRead More

#FitnessFriday: Hide your snacks away!

Hi people. Today, I want to talk a little about snacking. One of the things that can hinder weight loss is snacking and I LOVE to nibble…a little here and a little there.  When I decided to re-embark on my latest weight loss journey, one of the things I did was to stop taking unhealthy snacks. I am trying to learn how to make my own snacks AND opting for fruits & veggies. I always have plain yoghurt, bananas, strawberries or grapes around the house. I also like to nibble on carrots sometimes. Be careful with fruitsRead More

#FitnessFriday: My YouTube Playlists

Hi everyone. I try to work out 4 to 5 times a week. I am working on losing 5 – 7 kg and shrinking my belly. Even if I don’t lose any weight, I don’t mind….I just want to shrink my tummy!! 😛 Anyways, my favourite video trainers are Jillian Michaels and Billy Blanks (famous for Taebo workouts). However, I get bored easily so I decided to create playlists on YouTube where I can switch things around. There is SOOO much variety of workouts on YouTube, good and bad, professional and amateurish. IRead More

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