Whys of hair


Why I no longer use Affirm fiberguard relaxer

       Alkaline substances have the ability to lift the hair cuticle, therefore causing damage. Relaxers are made to be highly alkaline with most having a pH range of 11-14. I figured that the ‘lower’ the pH, the less damage. This is the main reason I decided to change my relaxer. The relaxer I’ve been using for the last one year is Affirm Fiberguard Mild Creme Relaxer and I couldn’t find any info online about its pH. (It is a lye relaxer but Affirm Fiberguard also has a no-lye version calledRead More

FAQs Friday

  QI   My hair has stopped growing. Heeellllpppp! I have very good relaxed hair, very full and bouncy but I noticed lately that my hair has stopped growing. What do I do? It could be that your ends are breaking so the growth you experience is not reflected. Or maybe some of your hair is in their catagen or telogen phase. Taking a hair vitamin containing MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) can help prolong anagen phase. e.g Hairfinity Hair Vitamins or GNC Ultra Nourish hair.  Are you stressed? Do you take any medication regularly? Massaging someRead More

African hair care: do this.. do that..is there really any need?

       I started my hair journey in 2010 and I really noticed a lot of change in my hair length and thickness by the following year. I, however, became pregnant in March 2011 and I seriously slacked off all the healthy hair practices I had learnt in 2010. I was blow drying and flat ironing my hair every two weeks and I did try to moisturize and seal when I could. My hair didn’t show much increase in length between  March 2011 and April 2012. When I startedRead More

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