Relaxer update! Happy with the results!

Hi guys! Happy May-day! Happy new month! I promise to be better in publishing posts this month.

Last month, I relaxed my hair. I think I was about 16 or 17 weeks post-relaxer. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen my update there.

I didn’t want to do it myself and I didn’t want to go a salon either so I asked my friend (who is also in healthy hair) to help me out.

The products

1. Activilong relaxer – Mild strength. The kit contains:

– the regular base and activator;

– neutralizing shampoo;

– a bottle of Cuti-film (to protect your previously relaxed hair strands from the relaxer);

– a bottle of Cuticular Regulator (a mid-relaxer protein treatment to be used before the neutralising shampoo);

– a leave-in conditioner

– gloves, spatula; and instruction sheet.

I like this relaxer because it doesn’t let me over process my hair. However, I do have one issue with it: my hair always feel hard till my next wash day. If you want to try this relaxer, please leave a comment and I’ll send you an email with more info on ordering it.

Activilong Relaxer, mild


2. Mill Creek Botanicals Henna Conditioner. I just discovered this conditioner and its ‘sisters’ while I was doing my usual product browsing. It is rich in keratin but silicone- and mineral oil-free. It’s an okay conditioner and I like to ‘doctor’ it up to get maximum benefits. I do plan on adding it to our online store in a few months. 

Milk Creeks Conditioner

The steps

1. I divided my hair into 6 sections: 3 in the back and 3 in the front.

2. Applied petroleum jelly to my scalp.

3. Applied the Cuti-film to protect my hair.

4. Finger detangled my hair.

5. My friend started with the middle section in the back, then the other two sections at the back. We did the two front sides next and the front middle last. The reason why I asked her to relax in this order is because my hair is thickest in the back and thinnest in front.

6. After applying the relaxer, she went through all the sections smoothing in the relaxer. No combs allowed here!!

7. She was done in just about 20 minutes and we rushed off to rinse off my hair.



I had just rinsed out the shampoo


Side-view. My hair is still wet after rinsing out the shampoo.


8. We applied Mill Creek Botanicals Henna Keratin Conditioner as the mid-relaxer protein. I didn’t want to use the Cuticular regulator that came with because I prefer the Mill Creeks Conditioner.

9. After rinsing my hair, we neutralised. It must have been 6 times because the hair was still pink after rinsing out several times!! LOL.

10. Next, I applied my deep conditioner. Sorry I can’t remember which one. 😛 Rinsed it off, detangled and air dried. Little hair lost on this relaxer day. I was really excited.



Freshly air dried!


I just love the texture I got on this relaxer day!!

About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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3 Comments to Relaxer update! Happy with the results!

  1. Kinetra Horton says:

    I found this website and was wondering if it is safe to use the Jamaican Black Castor Oil on relaxed hair. The bottle says no salt but my edges are already thin and I don’t want them falling out.

    • Dr_fomsky says:

      Hi Kinetra. I’ve been using Jamaican black castor oil on my relaxed hair for a long time and it has not made my edges thinner but actually filled out.

  2. olimpia says:

    Hi my name is olimpia i live in mozambbique i use the same relaxer activilong and here in mozambique we dont how to use it correctly. My hair dosent grow i dont now why and is very processed is streght. Sorry my english is not good. What i have to do to get hair like yours.

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