Wash day: final seal with grapeseed oil!

My weekend wash day started on Friday night.

On Thursday and Friday, I had left my hair down and by the end of Friday, it was terribly dry..

Prepoo/Greenhouse effect

  1. I divided my hair into 4 sections and then finger detangled each section gently with avocado oil between my fingers to help lubricate the strands.
  2. Afterward, I added some safflower oil to my hair and then braided each section.
  3. I put on a shower cap, wore my heating cap for about 30 minutes. Took off the heating cap and went to bed.



On Saturday morning, I washed my hair with Ion Swimmer’s Shampoo (without undoing the 4 braids I had done the previous night)

Deep Conditioning


  1. With my hair still in 4 braids, I applied Joico Moisture Recovery Conditioner for dry hair (this is a light protein conditioner) to each braid. I put on a shower cap and then my heating cap. Left my heating cap on for about 30 minutes. Although the instructions on the conditioner bottle say 1 minute, I think that you need at least 15 minutes to get the complete benefit of deep conditioning.
  2. One of my readers had sent me an email about doing a hot oil treatment as a last step and I liked the idea of that. However, I was too lazy to rinse out the conditioner and then apply the oil. And then rinse out AGAIN! Instead of rinsing off the Joico Moisture Recovery Conditioner, I decided to just pour some grapeseed oil on my hair!
  3. I wore my shower cap and sat under my standing dryer for about 25 minutes on very high heat. I allowed my hair cool and then I re-moistened my hair a little. I undid the braids and I detangled my hair in the shower. Since this conditioner gives very good slip, I felt comfortable enough to detangle my hair with the 3-comb method. First with my a large tooth comb, then my Roll-Ka comb (I just got this after I read Ebony Princess talk about it on her blog) and lastly a medium tooth comb. Then I rinsed off the conditioner.

Leave-ins & Styling

herbal essences touchably smooth split end protector

  1. I applied 1 pump of  Herbal Essences Touchably Smooth Split End Protector to my hair, twisted the ends and then pinned up my hair. I tied the front of my hair with a scarf and went about my day.
  2. This morning, I undid the twist but my hair was not 100% dry so i just pinned up my hair and went to church. This evening, it’s finally dry and this is how it looks:

 Sizzling mommy wash day 10 feb 2013 Sizzling mommy 2 was day 10 feb 2013 Sizzling mommy wash day pic 3 10 feb 2013

How did your wash day go?

Sizzling Mommy Signature

Product links:

  1. Herbal Essences Touchably Smooth Split End Protector
  2. Ion Swimmer’s Shampoo
  3. Roll-Ka Comb
  4. Magic Jumbo Rake Comb
  5. Hair Therapy Wrap (Heating Cap)
  6. Joico Moisture Recovery Conditioner for dry hair
About the author
Dr Fomsky

Nigerian-born Dr Fomsky is a God-lover, a wife, a mom of three, a medical doctor by day. Plus she owns a Nigerian-based online hair product store called Sizzelle.
Dr Fomsky is very passionate about hair, skin and weight management. Since she's had her babies, she's been struggling to keep her weight and her tummy down!
At night, she likes to read books, write blog posts and leave comments on other blogs. She lives in Alberta, Canada and is also the author of Solving your relaxed hair breakage book .
LAST RELAXER DAY: December 15th, 2016
BIG CHOP: January 14th, 2017
Natural Hair, Unknown Porosity, Fine Hair strands, Low to Moderate Density

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14 Comments to Wash day: final seal with grapeseed oil!

  1. Joie says:

    Mine went so well o, hair feels soft….my hair loves the DIY homemade deep conditioning treatment I do *smiling*

  2. joyce says:

    Hi,mine went well I did an avocado mask I blended the avocado with coconut cream into a paste mixed the paste with a little conditioner applied it on my hair and steamer for 30mins my hair came out fine at the end .love the out come.

  3. joyce says:

    AM so happy with my hair now ordered a product from silk dream ie vanilla silk cream and the advocado pudding love this products made my hair so soft .Doc.you need to try it.

  4. Tomi Cole says:

    I absolutely love HE Split End Protector, i started using it in October 2012 and i use in after every wash. My last wash day was easy breezy…

  5. JOYCE says:

    Thanks! am sure you will like it.Please how do you use the jamaican black castol oil hair pomade from your post on good stuff for 2012 you mentioned it but could not find any review on it. my dear am so happy that any thing i want for my hair i could order it directly without stress it comes straight to the house mail box ” OYINBO DON GO FAR” Am so happy that i came across your blog Thank you so much Remain blessed always and lots of love.

  6. Wonder says:

    Finally got my hands on ors replenish condish after my previous frustrating wash. Wash day was good, my hair was soft and fluffy, just that I can’t handle this texture any longer.

  7. Eni says:

    nice detailed steps 🙂 great results

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