Hair talk


6 Tips for Rocking Bold, Brightly Colored Hair

Your hair is your crowning glory, so the popular expression goes. Indeed, the way you style your hair can be as bold a statement as your fashion choices. This is perhaps the biggest reason people choose to dye their hairs with unnatural, bright hues like pink, purple or green: as a way to express themselves and let their unique personalities shine through.It’s a daring move, especially if you’ve never tried it before, but dyeing your hair an unusual color is also a really fun way of changing your looks. IfRead More

What would you do if your daughter’s teacher made her hair?

Hi people. How are you doing? I am working on my next regimen posts so stay tuned. In the mean time, let’s just chat. I was doing my daily dose of blog reading…I do this everyday….fitness, beauty and hair blogs are my faves…and I came across this story.  A teacher’s photo recently went viral on social media. A young girl came to school with tangled hair and lint balls and her teacher decided that she would comb the child’s hair and put it in plaits. To top it all up, she postedRead More

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