Relaxed hair tips


SUNDAY SOUND OUT: Tea rinses? Greenhouse effect? Aloe Vera?

Q1: Hi. Please I would like to try the black tea rinse but I have some questions. Please how many weeks post-relaxer should I try it? Should I pre-poo as always? While moisturizing after the tea rinse, what should I use? A protein conditioner to deep condition or a moisturizing deep conditioner? My hair is shedding due to postpartum causes. A: Hi dear reader. You can try tea rinses at any time in your stretch. You can also pre-poo as you usually do. Some women do shed postpartum and there is usually nothing toRead More

Vacation hair care: Essential products to take with you

Hi guys! This is vacation season and many people are travelling somewhere. Inside or outside your country, so I just want to recommend everybody to get air compressors for their cars, it is important to prevent any tricky situations while traveling. Many ladies do a protective style for the duration of their vacation and this makes life so easy. On the other hand, some ladies want to go with their hair. This series is mainly for those ladies who are brave enough to go on vacation with their own hairRead More

Oils that penetrate the hair: olive, coconut and avocado oil

I always like to add oils to my conditioners and I don’t just add for the sake of adding. There are 3 major types of oils I add to my conditioners: essential oils, ceramide-containing oils and penetrating oils. I’ve talked about essential oils in different posts. I’ll be talking more about the ceramide-containing oils soon. Today, I just want to outline the penetrating oils. Coconut oil: It has the smallest molecular size of all the oils and penetrates the best. It is the only oil that has been scientifically proven to penetrateRead More

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